Page 7 - Voice of ATAL 2022 Issue 1
P. 7


                                                                                Finally, how does Dr Poon see ATAL’s
                                                                                future? “I have no fancy words, but we
                                                                                must continue to play our part and do
                                                                                a good job,” Dr Poon concluded in his
                                                                                typical self-effacing fashion.


          ATAL was among the first in Hong Kong to embark on environmental engineering
          projects in the 1970s, driven by growing market demand and the team’s unique   「我們一直致力加強年輕一輩同事的環保意識,積極游
          expertise, and the Group has never looked back.              說客戶採用綠色工程方案。」潘博士說。提到近年香港
          “We try to instill environmental awareness into our younger colleagues and   仍未真正觸及問題核心,如應全面檢視本港碳排放主
          persuade clients to embrace green solutions,” Dr Poon said. On carbon neutrality,   要來源-建築材料的含碳量,以制訂相應減排措施。
          he cautions that Hong Kong is yet to tackle key issues in decarbonisation, such
          as reviewing the carbon content of construction materials, the main source of
          carbon emissions, for mitigation measures.                   著重互信  培育人才
          Trust in People, Nurturing People                            足客戶期望、堅持良好品質、按時按預算交付,以及
          As an award-winning E&M engineering group, ATAL is recognised for its
          commitment to satisfying clients’ expectations and consistently delivering   問道集團的核心價值是否多年來始終不變,潘博士
          quality, timely and cost-effective service, with a craftsman’s dedication to   直言始終如一:「我們的企業文化之一是互信—相信
          details.                                                     客戶、相信同事,因為我們相信人性本善,具有內在
          Asked if the Group has kept its core values intact over the years, Dr Poon’s
          answer is yes. “Our culture is one of trust in people—trust in employees and   關於「互信」,潘博士常提起一件往事。1980年代
          clients—because most people are reasonable with an intrinsic drive to do a   初,一位意大利友人協助潘博士從米蘭生產商買入製
          good job. This has not changed,” he said.                    冷機組設備,並交付給荃灣大會堂客戶。當年安樂工
          Dr Poon enjoys telling the story of how an Italian friend helped him secure   信任,為潘博士成功說服生產商以記帳方式向安樂工
          an order of chillers for Tsuen Wan Town Hall from a manufacturer in Milan   程交貨。潘博士甫收到客戶付款,馬上向生產商支付
          in the early 1980s. ATAL was a small start-up then and did not have the   貨款,項目後來也相當成功,為安樂工程打響名堂。
          funds to establish a letter of credit. The friend trusted him and persuaded   意大利友人當年對他的信任,潘博士銘記於心。
          the manufacturer to accept the order on an open account. Dr Poon paid the
          manufacturer as soon as the client paid him, and the project proved to be a   三十多年後,澳洲一家資金有限的小型分銷商請求安
          breakthrough for ATAL. Dr Poon is forever grateful to the friend for his trust   樂工程以記帳方式,為其機場客戶提供Anlev自動梯。
          in him.                                                      潘博士秉承「互信」的核心價值,決定協助這公司,
          Over three decades later, when a distributor in Australia, also a small business   功,Anlev自動梯一直為繁忙的墨爾本機場服務至今。
          with limited cash, asked ATAL to supply Anlev escalators for an airport order
          on an open account. Dr Poon reciprocated the trust his Italian friend had   潘博士至今仍經常在同事迎新會上分享這個動人的小
          placed in him. The deal was successful, and Anlev escalators are now serving   故事,親自為新員工闡釋安樂工程的核心價值,強調
          passengers at the busy Melbourne Airport.                    集團經營「以人為本」的重要性。

          Dr Poon always shares this heart-warming story of trust with new colleagues   問及潘博士對集團未來的期望,他以一貫的謙遜口吻
          at orientation talks, passing on ATAL’s core values and reminding them of the   作結:「我沒有太多華麗詞藻。我認為我們必須謹守崗
          power of the Group’s people-oriented approach.               位,做好自己的本份。」
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