We have over 40 years of experience in municipal sewage treatment and have acquired vast knowledge of sewage and wastewater treatment technologies through projects ranging from small-scale private installations to electrical and mechanical plant systems for mega-sewage treatment plants serving large populations. Pre-disposal sewage treatment has become increasingly commonplace, and we have been fine-tuning our knowledge in treatment of water resources. For example, starting in 2000, we have been developing know-how for advanced biological treatment and membrane filtration technologies to treat effluent. These make it possible to meet the high standards for effluent processing, including those used in mainland China urban centres. Our professional engineering services in sewage treatment have won two prestigious awards. The Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works project, in which we participated, has won China’s Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize, as one of the nation’s most technically advanced projects. It was also named one the Ten Hong Kong People Engineering Wonders in 2013 by the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers.