Our lifts and escalators segment has supplied lifts and escalators to many major developments in Hong Kong, including transportation terminals, universities, hospitals, and amusement parks. We have also supplied escalators for subway systems in South Korea, the Australia, the United Kingdom, and Italy. Meanwhile, advanced technology is shaping the traditional lifts and escalator business together with building facilities more broadly. Our customers demand the highest level of safety in the design, installation and maintenance of lifts and escalators, while the Hong Kong government’s Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) has launched a quarterly contractor’s performance rating scheme for safety and quality, applied to all registered lift contractors.

We provide design, production, sales, installation and maintenance services for a full range of lifts, escalators and walkways. Our subsidiary, Nanjing Anlev Elevator Ltd, develops and manufactures world-class lifts and escalators in our production facilities in Nanjing under the trade name “Anlev”. Our products are exported and sold in Hong Kong and to our customers around the globe, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United States, Canada, Australia, Korea, and mainland China.

In 2020, we tapped into the U.S. market with an alliance with Transel Elevator & Electric Inc., one of one of the largest independent lifts and escalators companies in New York. We also established our company in London to bolster our business in the U.K. and Europe.

Another subsidiary, Anlev Elex Elevator Limited, serves customers in Hong Kong. Our services include design, supply and installation of lifts and escalators as well as maintenance, repair and modernization projects. Our professional teams provide customised solutions to meet client needs for passenger, freight or heavy-duty models in commercial, residential, industrial and infrastructure environments. We are able to customise our products to meet the needs of property developers, main contractors, government departments and transportation companies.

Hong Kong’s EMSD has assessed Anlev Elex as a top-rated supplier in its Lift Contractors’ Performance Rating and Escalator Contractors’ Performance Rating since the rating system was introduced in 2013. The ratings reflect our track record in safety, quality and performance in our installation and maintenance services.
In addition to providing standard equipment, we provide vertical transportation solutions for barrier-free access for the disabled, including stair lifts, lift platforms and lifts designed specifically for the disabled.