Automation of Arrival Bags Delivery of Hong Kong International Airport

We are awarded to provide building and E&M services for automation of arrival bags delivery, which aims to maintain high-performance delivery of the passengers’ luggage delivery to the baggage reclaim hall through enhancement of the baggage handling system. Our scope of works includes construction of ventilation buildings, including MFC TVB and WHTVB, builders’ and E&M diversion works at Remote Transfer Facilities, DCV Tunnel and T1 Baggage hall, installation of high mast lightings at airfield of MFC. In addition, we are responsible for the works on diversion of water mains at WHTVB, construction of canopy and associated E&M provisions at MFC, and construction of duct banks and draw pits for diversions of underground utilities including HV, LV and Comms cables at WHTVB.


Airport Authority Hong Kong




Hong Kong