Issue 43, April 2022
Copyright © Analogue Holdings Limited. All rights reserved.
Issue 43, April 2022
安樂工程集團推出員工股份奬勵計劃 慶祝45周年並感謝員工貢獻
To celebrate our 45th anniversary, ATAL Engineering Group has launched an unprecedented Share Award Scheme for staff. All eligible employees of the Group in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China, and the UK will each receive a once-off grant of 4,500 shares of Analogue Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 1977) as a token of appreciation for their valuable contribution to the Group over the years.
“We are grateful to our people, without whose commitment and devotion the Group would never have become a market leader and the thriving business that it is today,” said Dr Otto Poon, Chairman of ATAL Engineering Group. “The Scheme is one of the ways with which I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for our employees’ dedication and unwavering support. They have contributed so much to ATAL’s success.”
All of the Group’s permanent full-time staff and contract staff will be eligible for the Scheme. The shares will be granted in June 2022.
Staff of different seniorities and business functions mutually welcome the Scheme. Triby Li, a Graduate Trainee who joined ATAL in 2020 and is now in the second year of the Scheme A programme, was pleasantly surprised. “We are still beginners to the Group and the industry, and have yet to contribute much to the business,” she said. “As a member of the Group’s new generation, I really appreciate this generous gesture of goodwill. It makes me feel recognised and cherished as part of the ATAL family.”
Anthony Leung, an experienced engineer who has been with the Group for over 4 years, said, “We are heartened and delighted, not so much by the value of the shares but by the Group’s recognition of our efforts over the years, which the gift represents.”
Sam Chan, Assistant Manager in the Training and Development unit, echoes the voice of many general staff. “Some companies treat supporting units as secondary in importance, but not ATAL. The Scheme re-affirms that our senior management treasures all employees as valuable contributors to the Group’s achievements,” he said.
The past 45 years have been a wonderful journey, with ATAL growing in tandem with Hong Kong, overcoming many challenges and helping make our city a better place. We have also stayed true to our core values: a culture of trust in people; a craftsman’s dedication to details; and a commitment to satisfying clients’ expectations and always deliver quality, timely and cost-efficient services.
“We look forward to carrying on the journey of success with every employee. Let’s continue to join hands to create shared value for all our stakeholders in the years to come,” Dr Poon said.
Left: Triby Li, “We are still beginners to the Group and the industry, and have yet to contribute much to the business,” she said. “As a member of the Group’s new generation, I really appreciate this generous gesture of goodwill. It makes me feel recognised and cherished as part of the ATAL family.”
Middle: Anthony Leung, “We are heartened and delighted, not so much by the value of the shares but by the Group’s recognition of our efforts over the years, which the gift represents.”
Right: Sam Chan, “Some companies treat supporting units as secondary in importance, but not ATAL. The Scheme re-affirms that our senior management treasures all employees as valuable contributors to the Group’s achievements,”